It's seems like science-fiction but it's reallity: a Chinease company builds an hotel with 15 floors in less than two days. Here you can see the video it's incredible! It's a new world Record.
That's show us how diferent cultures have different ways to do things. I remember the construction of the house wich is in front of our appartment: they need more than two years to built it...
Sure, maybe they haven't fulfilled all the security rules or the Chinease construction rules are diferent from the European. But I think the hotel is a good and secure construction. I'm sure that they will change some details in the rooms or review all what they have built before the hotel will be open.

That's show us how diferent cultures have different ways to do things. I remember the construction of the house wich is in front of our appartment: they need more than two years to built it...
Sure, maybe they haven't fulfilled all the security rules or the Chinease construction rules are diferent from the European. But I think the hotel is a good and secure construction. I'm sure that they will change some details in the rooms or review all what they have built before the hotel will be open.

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